Privacy Policy


When you visit and browse our website, use our services and choose to work with us, you are placing your trust in us to handle your personal data responsibly.

This Privacy Policy contains important information about our data processing activities, including what types of personal data we collect, legal basis justifying our processing activities, how we use data, and how you can exercise your rights over your data such as your right to deletion, access and rectification.


Name: MarketerCore Ltd.

Business Address: 71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

Email address: [email protected]

Phone number: +442038170274


When we use capitalised terms throughout this Privacy Policy, the capitalised term used shall have the meaning specified below:

“Us”, “We”, “Data Controller” means MarketerCore Ltd., the data controller as referred to in Section 2 above.“Website” means the entire MarketerCore Ltd web application.“Customer” / “Client” means all customers that we have an agreement with in place and all prospective customers who are in process of concluding a contract with Us for our services,“Personal data” means any piece of information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.“Services” mean all services provided by the Data Controller.


We collect following types of personal data:

Basic personal data:

When you fill out forms either on our Website or forms we send via other means, we ask you to directly provide Us with basic personal data such as your name, surname, billing address, phone number, email address, data related to your company/business(company address, number and similar information), data concerning the project commissioned.

We collect these types of personal data via forms, including but not limited to:

‘Contact Us’ form,

‘Order’ form,

Registration & Onboarding & login form.

In the ‘Add projects’ section, we may also collect these types of personal data and other data related to the project.

Data about your visit to and our use of Website:

When you browse our Website, we collect data about the pages you viewed, how much time you spent on each page, the previous pages you have visited and how you interacted with them.

We may also collect your IP address, your geographic location, your operating system, your browser, your browser language, data identifying your device.

For more information about the technologies We use to collect data this way, please refer to Our Cookie Policy.

Financial Data

When you make a payment for the Services you order, your financial data such as your IBAN number, your account number, CVC code and credit/debit card details is collected and processed.


We collect personal data about you in the following ways:

Data you voluntarily disclose to us

When you fill out ‘Contact Us’ form on our website, submit an order via Order Form or make a payment, you provide us with your basic personal data such as your name, email address, your postal address, your company, the official position in your organisation you hold,your financial data and other types of personal data that may be needed for the specific circumstance.

Data we automatically collect when you visit or interact with our Website

We use cookies, third party analytics tools and social media plugins such as Facebook ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ button and Twitter ‘Share’ button to automatically collect information about your visit interaction with our Website.

For example, we use Google Analytics to collect information about your device, your operating system, your device ID and your interaction with our Website.

To learn more about how we collect personal data automatically, please review our Cookie Policy.

Data we collect from third party sources

We embed social media plugins on our website such as Facebook ‘Like’ button and Instagram button.

We act as a joint controller with the relevant social media service provider regarding the collection and processing of personal data via their social plugin.

For more information about each social media plugin we use, what data we collect and how your personal data is processed, please refer to our Cookie Policy and refer to the Privacy Policy of each specific Social Media Service Provider.

Facebook Privacy Policy

Twitter Privacy Policy

Instagram Privacy Policy


We process your Personal Data for the following purposes:

To provide you access to our Website & Services and for maintenance

Making our Services and content available to you,

Enable you to access our content and Services,

We rely on ‘Legitimate Interests’ when we process your Personal Data for these purposes.

For communication with You:

We use your contact details such as your Name & Surname and your email address to communicate with You.

We rely on your Consent when we process your personal data for these purposes.

To improve our products, services and/or offerings

We may process your Personal Data to improve and modify our products, services and offerings.

This may include but not limited to:

Data analytics, identification and assessment of usage trends, measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns we carry out and evaluation of our products and services.

We rely on ‘Legitimate Interests’ to process Your personal data for these purposes.

Security and Fraud Detection Purposes

We process personal data to keep our Website secure against malicious actors, to detect fraudulent activities across our Website and to ensure our Terms & Conditions are adhered to.

Marketing purposes

We may use your personal data such as your corporate email address to send you marketing & advertising materials.

We only collect and process corporate email address data and We rely on ‘Legitimate Interests’ to process your data for marketing purposes.

You can always opt out of receiving marketing messages.

For the performance of a contract

The development, compliance and undertaking of the purchase contract for the Services You have purchased or of any other contract with Us through the Service.


Each specific legal basis we rely on to process your personal data for each particular processing activity is described in section 6.


When you fill out ‘Contact Us’ and ‘ORder Form’ and/or make a payment, you provide Us your consent to process your Personal Data under article 6 of the EU & UK GDPR.

You can withdraw your consent at any time.

Legitimate Interests

When we store cookies that fall under the ‘Strictly Necessary Cookies’, we rely on Legitimate Interests ground under article 6.1 (f) of the EU & UK GDPR.

We send promotional & marketing emails to business & solo traders and we rely on Legitimate Interests ground under article 6.1 (f) of the EU & UK GDPR.

Legal Obligation

We rely on ‘Legal Obligation’ basis to collect, use, share, disclose or process your Personal Data when we are under a legal obligation to do so under the applicable laws and regulations.

This includes circumstances where we are obliged to disclose your Personal Data to law enforcement agencies.

Performance of a Contract

We process financial data based on contractual necessity..


We do not disclose, sell or share your personal data to/with third parties except for the following conditions:

When you provide us with your consent to share your data with third parties such as when you consent to the third party tracking technologies, cookies or when you link your account with third party social media accounts or when you interact with social media plugins embedded on our Website.

Where we provide personal data to third parties to carry out administrative tasks and to provide our services such as for web-hosting or customer service.

Sharing personal data of the Client with the external third parties who will carry out tasks within the scope of the project such as running advertisement campaigns or other types of activities.

Data concerning the Client and the project can also be posted on the website afor the purposes of informing the project manager.

Where we are legally required to disclose personal data to legal/regulatory authorities upon a valid and lawful request or to comply with applicable laws.

Detects and prevents fraud, security and other technical issues.


How long we retain your personal Data:

The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

MarketerCore Ltd will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.

How do we delete your Personal Data:

We may use any of the following methods to erase personal data:


Overwriting data


Shredding of paper records

10. Security of Your Personal Data

We take all commercially reasonable measures to guarantee your personal data is protected against unauthorised access, use, modification and destruction.

What security measures do we have in place?

To minimise risks to your personal data, we only collect data that is reasonably necessary to achieve specific purposes.

We take all necessary contractual- organisational and technical measures to ensure that third parties that access your personal data implement necessary security measures to protect your data.

We sign confidentiality agreements with all personnel that have access to personal data.

We adhere to privacy-by-design and privacy-by-default for all our data processing activities, implement strict access controls to IT systems and apply multi-factor authentication for access to all IT and/or physical systems.

We enter into data processing agreements with third party data processors such as payment providers.


We use the following third party data processors to carry out our business activities.

12. Data Subject Rights

You can exercise the following rights:

Right of Access: You may request to see and obtain copies of the personal data we have about you and whether we process your data;

Right to Rectification: You may request that we correct any inaccuracies in the personal data that we have about you;

Right to Erasure of your Data: Subject to some conditions, you may (unless other grounds set forth in the law applies) choose to exercise your right to be forgotten;

Right to be Informed: You have the right to be informed about what personal data we collect from you, how we store, use and erase it.

Right to Restriction: You may request to restrict the processing of your data on the grounds that there is some disagreement about its accuracy or objections against its legitimate usage – i.e. requesting that we do not process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. We can do this by keeping a single record of your data on a suppression list;

Right to Object: You may raise objections to our processing of your personal data if we are relying on legitimate interest as the lawful ground for data processing; and

Right to Data Portability: If applicable, you may ask for your personal data to be transferred to another organisation.


If you wish to exercise your legal rights under the applicable laws, you should resort to one of the following ways:

Application by post: 71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

Application via email: [email protected]

When you make a request to exercise your legal rights, you should include the following information alongside your request:

Provide us with your name & surname and username to help us identify you

Describe your request in detail.

Be noted that we will email you to verify the authenticity of your request to exercise your rights.

We reserve the right to ask for any additional information to verify your identity before satisfying your request.

We aim to respond to your request to exercise your legal rights within the time periods set by relevant applicable laws.


If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at:

Your contact details here

For EU & UK users:

If you are located in the EU or the UK, you can file a complaint with the competent Data protection Authority within that country.

If you reside in the UK, you can contact the ICO via following ways:

The ICO’s address:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website:

For country specific complaint processes, please check the websites of the competent Data Protection Authorities.


We reserve the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy unilaterally and will notify you in due time when we do.